Latest tools
- Irrigation monitoring. This app has been designed to track irrigation activity across the Netherlands. By utilizing crowd-sourcing, it helps build a comprehensive national database with information on locations and times of irrigation activity, types of crops, and sources of irrigation water. The app is available here (in Dutch).
- Identifying drying reaches. Over the past decade, the Netherlands has encountered several exceptionally dry years. The combination of reduced rainfall and above-average temperatures has resulted in decreased groundwater recharge. This caused groundwater levels to drop, leading to an increasing number of streams drying up during summer. It is expected that climate change will amplify this negative effect. Therefore, we have developed an app that utilizes crowd-sourcing to populate a national database with information on locations and times of drying reaches. The app is accessible here (in Dutch).
Latest reports
- Monincx, S., F. van der Wal, G. Willems, J. van der Scheer, G. van den Eertwegh, W. Terink, S. Hoogewerf, R. Veldstra, B. van Dijk. 2024. Verkenning klimaatrobuuster Vechtstroomgebied – Over klimaat, consequenties en keuzes. Waterschap Vechtstromen, landid, en KnowH2O. Link to report
- Terink, W., D. van Deijl, G. van den Eertwegh. 2024. HydroGap – A spatially distributed hydrological model for evaluating evapotranspiration and flow processes at the catchment-scale. Link to report
- Terink, W., D. van Deijl, G. van den Eertwegh. 2023. Reusel Bovenstroom – integrale analyse van hydrologie watersysteem en landgebruik: Huidige situatie en effecten van maatregelen op drogestofproductie, natuur en hydrologie stroomgebied. KnowH2O. Link to report
- Terink, W., J. de Wit, D. van Deijl, R. Bartholomeus, G. van den Eertwegh. 2023. Ondergronds beregenen op Proefboerderij Rusthoeve: Praktijkproef regelbare drainage met subirrigatie 2020-2022. KnowH2O en KWR. Link to report
- Jenkins, B., S.S. Koh. 2023. Trends in Hydrology and Water Resources. Waikato Regional Council Technical Report 2022/06. ISSN 2230-4363. Waikato Regional Council. Peer reviewed by Wilco Terink. Link to report
- Terink, W. 2021. The Rakaia Water Balance – understanding the river’s flow regime and interaction with its water users. Link to report
Scientific publications
- Terink, W., D. van Deijl, G. van den Eertwegh. 2024. Waterhuishoudkundige maatregelen en teeltkeuzes voor droogte-adaptatie: een casestudie voor het stroomgebied Reusel Bovenstroom. Stromingen. Article.
- Khanal, S., N. Ridder, H. de Vries, W. Terink, B. van den Hurk. 2019. Storm Surge and Extreme River Discharge: A Compound Event Analysis Using Ensemble Impact Modeling. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, doi:10.3389/feart.2019.00224
- Terink, W., H. Leijnse, G. van den Eertwegh, R. Uijlenhoet. 2018. Spatial resolutions in areal rainfall estimation and their impact on hydrological simulations of a lowland catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 563, 319-335, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.05.045
- Eekhout, J., J. Hunink, W. Terink, J. de Vente. 2018. Why increased extreme precipitation under climate change negatively affects water security. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1-16, doi:10.5194/hess-2018-161
- Eekhout, J., W. Terink, J. de Vente. 2018. Assessing the large-scale impacts of environmental change using a coupled hydrology and soil erosion model. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 687–703, doi:10.5194/esurf-6-687-2018
- Vorogushyn, S., Bates, P., De Bruijn, K., Castellarin, A., Kreibich, H., Priest, S., Schröter, K., Bagli, S., Blöschl, G., Domeneghetti, A., Gouldby, B., Klijn, F., Lammersen, R., Neal, J., Ridder, N., Terink, W., Viavattene, C., Viglione, A., Zanardo, S., Merz, B. 2017. Evolutionary leap in large‐scale flood risk assessment needed. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5, doi:10.1002/wat2.1266
- Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 2009-2034, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2009-2015
- Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, and P. Droogers. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in Hydrology. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 8, 1687-1748, doi:10.5194/gmdd-8-1687-2015
- Terink, W., Droogers, P., van Dam, J., Simons, G., Voogt, M., Ines, A. 2013. Satellite based data mining to support Egypt’s agriculture. Advances in Data Mining, Workshop Proceedings, ICDM 2013, 171-180. ISSN 1164 – 9734. ISBN 978-3-942952-23-1
- Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2013. Climate change projections of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration for the Middle East and Northern Africa until 2050. International Journal of Climatology. doi:10.1002/joc.3650
- Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, W. Terink, W., J. Hoogeveen, M.F.P. Bierkens, L.P.H. van Beek, and B. Debele. 2012. Water resources trends in Middle East and North Africa towards 2050, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 3101-3114, doi:10.5194/hess-16-3101-2012
- Terink, W., R.T.W.L. Hurkmans, P.J.J.F. Torfs, R. Uijlenhoet. 2010. Evaluation of a bias correction method applied to downscaled precipitation and temperature reanalysis data for the Rhine basin. Hydrological Earth System Sciences, 14, 687–703, doi:10.5194/hess-14-687-2010
- Hurkmans, R., Terink, W., Uijlenhoet, R., Torfs, P., Jacob, D., Troch, P.A. 2010. Changes in streamflow dynamics in the Rhine Basin under three high-resolution regional climate scenarios. Journal of Climate, 23(3), 679–699, doi:10.1175/2009JCLI3066.1
- T.L.A. Driessen, R.T.W.L. Hurkmans, W. Terink, P. Hazenberg, P.J.J.F. Torfs, R. Uijlenhoet. 2010. The hydrological response of the Ourthe catchment to climate change as modelled by the HBV model. Hydrological Earth System Sciences, 14, 651–665, doi:10.5194/hess-14-651-2010
- Hurkmans, R.T.W.L., Terink, W., Uijlenhoet, R., Moors, E.J., Troch, P.A., Verburg, P.H. 2009. Effects of land use changes on streamflow generation in the Rhine basin. Water Resources Research, 45(6), doi:10.1029/2008WR007574